allow me to introduce you

As many of you know, I love blogs. I would definitely consider it a hobby, and probably one of my favorite ones right behind cycling. This doesn’t just include writing on my blog, it also means reading other blogs. Some belonging to people I know, some belonging to people I kind of know, and some belonging to people I have never met.

Today I would like to introduce you to two of my favorite blog things. Ok, maybe three.

1. Google Reader

Google Reader is great if you like to read many blogs on a regular basis. You need a Google email account (Gmail) which  you can get at Once you’re signed in, there’s a thing at the top which says “Reader.” You can “subscribe” to blogs and then when someone posts something new, it automatically adds it to your reader. So instead of actually checking blogs to see if there was anything new, Google Reader puts all the new blogs in one place for easy reading. Check it out if you haven’t already.

2. Pioneer Woman

I think I may have mentioned her in a previous post. She has a very popular, very elaborate blog which is actually several blogs in one. One about cooking, one about photography, one about home and garden, one about homeschooling, and one just about her everyday life on a cattle ranch. She’s married to a hot cowboy whom she calls Marlboro Man and she periodically posts new chapters in their incredibly romantic story. Warning: This blog is highly addictive and may make you want to be a pioneer woman yourself.

3. Post Secret

If you live under a rock and don’t know about Post Secret, you must check it out. People send in postcards which they have decorated with their secrets and then the guy who runs the site picks some to post every week. It helps people to see they’re not alone in their secrets. It’s eerily cathartic.

Happy Blogging:)


Filed under Uncategorized

2 responses to “allow me to introduce you

  1. allow me to introduce myself…and you can add me to your list of people you have never met…haha! I am new to blogging and I love your blog! I work nights and go to school full-time so blogging is the mindless, interesting entertainment that gets me through those stressful times!

  2. I was just surfing blogs and I came across yours! The best part about your blog is that it taught me a little something about blogging in general! I am brand new to this and need all of the guidance that I can get.

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